Sandata Launches FUSE Agency Management

Exciting times are ahead as we announce the launch of Sandata Fuse Agency ManagementTM, a powerful tool designed to Empower Your Agency to Do More! As we step into 2024, this platform will play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, streamlining processes, and updating the platform you already know and love.

Sandata Fuse blends best practices from supporting 20,000+ agencies with a sleek, reliable, user-friendly interface and intuitive, impactful interactions for an unparalleled agency experience.


Key Features:

  • Improve cash flow and reduce friction with a billing module that includes multi-payer claims submissions with a single click.
  • Leverage AI for shift booking to improve workforce optimization and save valuable time.
  • Meet care coordination goals with our enhanced clinical platform.
  • Improve data accuracy, scalability, communication, and compliance with advanced integrations.

Rollout Plan:

Sandata will roll out Fuse over the course of 2024.

If you are not currently using Sandata Agency Management, the rollout will not affect you. However, later in 2024, you may have the opportunity to add Fuse components to your contract.

Training and Support:

To support you through this transition, we will be offering many different training opportunities to prepare you, including comprehensive user documents, in-application guided tours, and more. Our dedicated support team will be available to address any queries or concerns you may have during the implementation process.


We value your input, and your feedback is essential for the success of this initiative. Throughout the rollout, we will actively seek your opinions and suggestions to make continuous improvements and tailor the platform to meet the unique needs of our organization.

Get ready to embark on a new era of efficiency, collaboration, and success with our Agency Management Platform. Together, let's make 2024 a year of unparalleled achievements.



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