Delaware (DE DHSS) Vendor Test Clients

The following is the list of Delaware test clients for Alt EVV Vendors.

Delaware Test Clients
ClientFirstName ClientLastName ClientMedicaidID ClientBithDate
Thomas Two-Toes 1234577130 6/2/2001
Jane Smith 1234577131 8/12/1985
John Doe 1234577132 5/19/1945
Chandler Bing 1234577133 8/6/2001
Sarah Sanderson 1234577134 8/4/2005
Jason Voorhees 1234577135 6/1/1947
Rick Sanchez 1234577136 9/27/1999
Damemon Targaryen 1234577137 8/30/1984
Arthur Pendragon 1234577138 1/8/1977
Stan Marsh 1234577139 12/25/1963
Jane Foster 1234577140 9/27/1999
Stephen Strange 1234577141 8/30/1984
Sheldon  Cooper 1234577142 1/8/1977
Ted  Lasso 1234577143 12/25/1963
Emilia Pond 1234577144 8/4/2005



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