Billing Exports Screen

Billing Exports Screen

The Billing Export screen allows users to generate an electronic claim file that can be exported for payers that are configured for electronic billing and displays all recorded confirmed billable invoices that have been invoiced based on the filters selected.

The displayed invoices are converted into a claim data file based on the selected payer’s configuration. Only Billable items should be included in an export file. Therefore, by default the ‘Show only Billable Items’ option is selected. (Note: If this option is unchecked, the screen will display invoices with any status. You should not export claims in any status other than Billable or Resubmit.)

Export files are created by payor. If the payor is not selected, the screen will display invoices by any filters selected, but an export file cannot be created until a payor is selected from the dropdown menu. Once the payor is selected, the electronic format used for that payor is also set, and the file name that will be assigned to the export is displayed.

To access the Billing Exports screen, click Exports (Main Menu > Billing > Export).


Only payors that are configured for electronic billing will be displayed in this menu; payors that are configured for paper transport method will not be displayed and cannot be created as an export file.



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