Reset Password / In-App Unlock (Password Reset Email)

Passwords can be changed without logging into Sandata Mobile Connect by tapping the Reset Password on the log in screen. Password reset options may change based on setup.

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If you try to log in too many times without success, your account will be locked. When the in-app unlock feature is turned on, it will automatically take you to the reset password screen after your account is locked. If this feature is not turned on and you are not automatically taken to the reset password screen, you must call your agency's administrator to unlock your account.

In app Password Reset Message

Follow the instructions to reset the password and unlock the account when using an email address as your username.

1. Tap Reset Password.

Reset Passowrd

2. Enter the Username.

3. Tap Continue.

Enter User Name to Reset Password

4. Tap Okay on the reset pop up.

Reset Password In-App Unlock Using Email

5. Access the reset password email with subject "Sandata Mobile Connect Reset Password."

6. Tap the Reset Your Password link in the email.

Reset Password In-App Unlock Using From Sent Email

7. Enter and renter your new password.

8. Click Submit.

A message displays to confirm the action.

Enter New Password Using Email Link Password Change Confirmed

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You will receive two emails. The first will contain the link to reset your password. The second is a reminder that updating your password will update it for all Sandata Mobile Connect accounts using this email.


1 comment

  • Comment author

    Excellent!!!  Thank you! 


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