Learning Pathways and EVV Course Topic tables

Sandata's EVV training teaches you and your staff how to use EVV, which will help you comply with the 21st Century Cures Act. If your agency is not compliant, your Medicaid reimbursements could be affected, so please get started today.

Please see the Learning Pathways and EVV Course Topic tables below to learn which courses you'll need to take based on your job duties.

IMPORTANT: Share the following training steps with your agency staff. Employees should be trained by Agency Trainers using the Caregiver Library videos and articles in Sandata On-Demand.

What training should my team take?

Streamline your training with Sandata's Learning Pathways and EVV Courses. Tailor your training using Tables 1 and 2. Then access these courses via Sandata Learn! Learners can choose from live instructor-led sessions (when available) or self-paced online courses. Click here to learn how to sign up for training, and share this with your agency staff. Your available instructor-led sessions will be on the Training Events page once you sign in. 

Note: These sessions and courses are for users of Sandata EVV, and not those with an alternate vendor. Those who are using Sandata Aggregator will have those courses instead.

Table 1. Learning Pathways

Use the below table to determine what training should be taken by you and your staff.

Training Recipient System Overview Data Entry Visit Capture Visit Maintenance Scheduling Security Aggregator Mobile App
Provider Agency Administrator X X X X X X    
Staff - Intake X X            
Staff – Maintains Visits X   X X        
Staff Scheduler X     X X      
Agency Trainer X X X X X X X X
Employee               X
Alternate EVV Agency             X  
State Sponsors             X  

Table 2. EVV Instructor-Led Training Courses

Topic Description and Desired Outcomes Duration
Sandata EVV System Overview This session provides an overview of the modules within the Sandata EVV Agency Portal. How to log in and navigation basics are included.  1 hour 
Client & Employee Data Entry  In this session, the focus is on how to search for, edit and inactivate Client or Employee records. This session also provides an overview on how member and authorization records are imported into Sandata EVV. 1 hour
Visit Capture This session reviews how an employee starts and completes a visit, including group visits (depending on program) and using the mobile app. In addition, participants see how visits are displayed in the Sandata EVV Agency Portal. 1 hour
Visit Maintenance The Visit Maintenance session demonstrates how to use the available filters to review visit data, understand the various visit exceptions, and how to clear/resolve each one. Participants also learn how to manually create visits and adjust visit data. 1.5 hours
Scheduling The Scheduling session demonstrates how to schedule single and multiple day Client visits, rescheduling and cancelling Client visits, and the creation and use of a recurring client schedule template. This module also discusses the use of Client schedules to optimize auto-verification. 1 hour

We recommend that you view the training that aligns with your job duties as soon as possible. 

For general questions about the MA EOHHS EVV program, please email EVVfeedback@Mass.gov.

For technical assistance in using the EOHHS EVV system, please Submit a Request via New User Sign-Up on Sandata On-Demand.




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