

The Billing section of the General Tab displays payer required information for billing a client.




Use this drop down to select the method of billing for the payer.


Use this drop down to select if the claim will be sent out via paper or electronic.


Use this drop down to select the payer’s date range limitations.

Billing Freq

Use this drop down to select the payer’s billing frequency.

Bill Code

Use this field to enter the payer’s bill code.

Requires a Customer Number

Select this check box to require a Customer Number be added for the client.

No. Mask

Use this field to enter the character length for the Customer Number.

Requires a Medicaid ID

Select this check box to require a Medicaid ID number be added to the client.

Med ID Mask

Use this field to enter the character length for the Medicaid ID number.

Primary Diagnosis Required

Select this check box to require a Primary Diagnosis be added for the client.

Requires Physician for Billing

Select this check box to require a physician be added to the client.

Requires Physician/NPI for Billing

Select this check box to require a physician and national physician information number be added to the client.

Hold Split Shift Billing

Select this check box to hold billing for split shift visits for the day if any of the visits are in not confirmed status.

Requires Medicare Place of Service

Select this check box to require a place of service be added for a client.

DOB Required

Select this check box to require a date of birth be added to the client.

Ignore Weekend Split

Select this check box to not split billing events on weekends.

Unit Length

Use this field to set the length of a unit for the payer. Standard is 1 unit = 15 minutes.

Unit Rounding

Use this drop down to round units to the nearest whole number.
Example: 4.36 units rounds to 4 units.

Minimum Units

Use this field to enter the minimum number of units required to bill a payer.



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