Posting an Adjustment from the Balance Adjustment Screen

Posting an Adjustment from the Balance Adjustment Screen


This process is not meant for invoices with a balance of more than $1000.00. Adjusting larger amounts must be done from Manual Remittance or the Invoice Detail window.

1. Navigate to the Balance Adjustment screen.

Main Menu > Billing > Balance Adjustment

2. Use the Filters to locate the invoice(s).

Select the Payor, Date From and Date To.

3. Click Refresh.
4. Select the checkbox(es) for the desired invoice(s).

The Select Max Records and Select None Checkboxes in the Write-Off Options section are used to select or deselect all records in the results list.

5. Enter a Check/Ref No to identify the adjustment.
6. Select the Payment Code type.
7. Enter a Write-Off Date for the adjustment to be dated.
8. Click Post Now.


  • Max Balance must be greater than zero.

  • Check/Ref No. can’t be empty.

  • Payment code must be selected.



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