This report displays a list of billable visits sorted by client.
This report can be used by the agency to review billing amounts and frequency for each client.
This report can be filtered by:
Field | Description |
Company | The selected company. |
Location | The selected location. |
Admit Type | The code for the client's admission. |
Team | The selected team. |
Payor | The selected payor. |
Service | The selected service. |
Event Type | The selected event type. |
Event Code | The selected event code. |
Event Status | The selected event status. |
Staff Home Location | The selected region of staff addresses. |
Client | Client by name (last name, first name) or Sandata Client ID. When a partial name is entered the report displays results that begin with the entered characters. |
Staff | Staff member by name (last name, first name). When a partial name is entered the report displays results that begin with the entered characters. |
Date From | The first date of a selected range of dates. |
Date To | The last date of a selected range of dates. |
This report can be sorted by:
Field | Description |
Schedule Date | Sorts the report by the scheduled date in ascending or descending order. |
Schedule Time | Sorts the report by the amount of scheduled time in ascending or descending order. |
Report Output
Each column of the report displays:
Field | Description |
Staff | The staff member's name (last, first) and ID number. |
Date | The date of the visit. |
Agency ID | The agency's ID number. |
Service | The type of care provided. |
EC | The event code for the visit. |
In | The time in for the visit. |
Out | The time out for the visit. |
QTY | The number of hours for the visit. |
Units | The hours for the visit converted to units. Unit conversion varies by agency. |
Actual Service Hrs | The actual duration of the visit. |
Rate | The hourly rate for the visit. |
Amt | The total amount to be paid for the visit. |
Copay | The copay for the visit. |
Supplies | The cost of supplies for the visit. |
Status | The payment's status. |
Payor | The client's payor. |
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