This report travel times, visit times and car fare for staff members performing visits.
This report can be used to review, or track visits performed by a staff member traveling throughout the area.
The report does not include proposed time in and time outs or scheduled times for the visits for monitoring late or delayed times.
This report can be filtered by:
Field | Description |
Company | The selected company. |
Location | The selected location. |
Team | The selected team. |
Coordinator | The selected coordinator. |
Positions | The selected positions. |
Staff | The selected staff member. |
Date From | The selected starting date in a range. |
Date To | The selected ending date in a range. |
Allow Same Address |
Report Output
Each column of the report displays:
Field | Description |
Date of Service | The date of service. |
Service | The service being performed. |
In | The time in. |
Out | The time out. |
Status | The status of the visit. |
Type | The type of visit. |
QTY | The quantity of the billable time in units. |
Potential Travel Time | The potential travel time for the visit. |
Potential Car Fare | The potential car fare for the visit. |
Staff Coordinator | The staff coordinator. |
Staff | The staff member’s name. |
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