Sandata On-Demand Sign In – Returning User

This article will help you:

  • Sign in to Sandata On-Demand (SOD) if you are a returning user.
  • Understand the steps you take when you have forgotten your password. 

This article is to assist returning users as they are logging into Sandata’s Help Center – Sandata On-Demand (SOD). 

Logging into Sandata On-Demand

The user can reach the Sandata On-Demand (SOD) at  Google Chrome is the preferred browser for accessing the Help Center.


You will be directed to this Zendesk Login Options Page.

thumbnail_Image 9-13-24 at 6.24 PM.jpg

Ohio users should click on the "Continue with OHID (Ohio Users)" button. This will take you to the OHID login page. The Ohio user will complete their login here. Click HERE for information regarding OHID registration.

SOD OHID Login.jpg

All other users will log in to Sandata On-Demand directly.

A pop-up will appear asking the user for their email and password. The user will be able enter their email address and password.

  • Returning users will enter their email address and their password.
  • If the user is unsure or forgets their password, they will be able to reset the password.
  • The user will enter their email address and password and click Sign In.
  • The user should be directed to their content page.
  • If the user does not remember their password, they can click on the “Forgot My Password” link under the login box. They will receive the same password reset email as noted above.
  • Once logged into the knowledge base, the user should be able to search for information, review existing tickets and/or submit a new ticket.


Sandata on Demand

Once the user has logged in, they will have access to the Sandata on Demand.


If the user attempts to sign in with an email address that is not recognized by the database, they will still receive an email to create a password and gain access to SOD, however, they will not be able to see any program specific content. There will be no links on the landing page and no information related to their organization’s tickets.  In this case, the user should contact Customer Support via their normal phone/email address.  The Customer Support agent will assist in setting the user up in the database and help them set their password.

  • It is important for users to know they will need to verify their association to their agency to be given credentials from the Customer Support team.
  • The Customer Support team will verify some basic information regarding the user and the organization prior to providing login credentials.
  • The user will see the following pop-up to assist:




NOTE:  Now the buttons across the top of the page will say “Submit a Request” and “The User's Name.” The user will be able to view tickets under their associated organizations. The user will also be able to enter a new ticket request.




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