Writing Off Balances Using Manual Remittance

Writing Off Balances Using Manual Remittance

When posting payments/batch payment, it may be necessary to write off a remaining balance. Users can post a payment for an invoice or line item and write off the unpaid balance. To do this, check the Write Off Balance box in the Payment Options section.

Perform the same actions as in the Posting Payments/Batches section with the following exceptions:

Under Payment Options:

Enter a Check/Ref No.

Apply As: Cash (automatically populates)

Amount: The amount of the payment.
The total of all payments in the batch must match the amount in the Batch Total in the Batch Options section. The Amount in Payment Options can be all or part of the batch total, when entering multiple checks.

Write Off Balance: select this check box.

Under Active Records:

Enter a payment in the Post field. The negative amount displayed in the Remaining field in Payment Options is the amount written off.


The write-off amount does not display in the Adjustment field or the Current Queue section.



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