Payment Options

Payment Options

These fields are used to enter the payer remittance total amount type, the Check/Reference number, and the date of the paper remittance.



Apply As:

Use this drop down to select the format in which the transaction(s) are received (for example, cash, adjustment, account cash, etc.). Automatically populates when the Create Batch button is clicked.

Check/Ref No.:

Displays the number of the check or other reference number assigned to the payment.


Use this field to select the type of transaction (Check, Denial, Adjustment, etc.).

Note: Options are conditional depending on the selection made in the Apply As: field.


Displays the date assigned to the check or payment in the Check/Ref No.: field.


Use this field to enter any applicable comments in this free-text field.


Displays the amount of the check or payment.

Write Off Balance

Check this box to write off the remaining balance after posting a payment.

When using this functionality, it is best practice to post payments to individual invoice line items.


Displays the remaining funds available for application to invoices. The amount will reduce as each payment is posted.


Click this button to delete the current payment and refresh all fields.


Click this button when ready to enter another check, takeback, or adjustment. It can only be used after the total amount for the previous check is posted.



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