Batch Options

Batch Options

Use these fields to identify all manually posted payments or take backs.


Users with appropriate security permissions can populate the Bank ID drop down using the Bank section of the Value Items screen's Billing folder. Users can then select a payer and all invoices for the payer display for manual posting.



Batch Number:

Displays the system-assigned ID number for the transaction(s).
This number populates once the Create Batch button is clicked.

Apply As:

Use this drop down to choose the format in which the transaction(s) are received (cash, adjustment, account cash, etc.).

Batch Total:

Use this field to enter the total dollar amount of transaction(s).

Note: Adjustments/take backs may be negative amounts.

Batch Date:

Use this field to select the date the transaction(s) are applied.

Note: Can be past, present, or future date.

Bank ID:

Use this drop down to select the name of the financial institution receiving payments.

Batch Type:

Use this drop down to select the type of transaction(s) being entered.

For example, Check, Denial, Electronic Transfer, etc.

Batch Balance:

Displays the dollar amount of funds available for application to invoices.


Leave this field blank.
If checks have already been posted, they can be selected for reference.

Create Batch

Click this button to make the funds entered in this section available for use.



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