Posting Takebacks Using Manual Remittance

Posting Takebacks Using Manual Remittance

Refunds to the payer are called takebacks. For example, when a revised invoice is submitted, and the previous invoice must be reimbursed.

The process for posting takebacks is the same as posting regular payments except that when entering amounts in the Post column, negative amounts are entered.

Perform the same actions as in the Posting Payments/Batches section with the following exceptions:

Under Batch Options, create a new batch with a negative total.

Batch Total: This negative value is the total amount of all the takebacks to be posted.

Apply As: Cash

Batch Type: TB- Take Back

Under Payment Options:

Enter a Check/Ref No.

Apply As: Cash (automatically populates)

Type: TB- Take Back (automatically populates)

Amount: The amount of the payment.
This must be a negative value.
The total of all payments in the batch must match the amount in the Batch Total in the Batch Options section. The Amount in Payment Options can be all or part of the batch total, when entering multiple checks.

Under Invoice Filters:

The Include Paid checkbox is selected by default and not editable. Only invoices that have been paid display. Payments and takebacks cannot be entered at the same time.

Under Active Records:

The Include Paid checkbox is selected by default and not editable. Only invoices that have been paid display. Payments and takebacks cannot be entered at the same time.



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