Set to 05-Billable Resubmission Process

Set to 05-Billable Resubmission Process

The Set to 05-Billable Resubmission process is used when an entire claim has been denied.


Before using this process, verify that the entire claim was denied, and no part of the claim was accepted.

1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.

Billing > Invoices

2. Use the search filters to locate the rejected invoice.

Double click on the invoice to open it.

3. Make any corrections to the invoice as needed.
4. Set the invoice status to 05-Billable.
5. Click Save.

The invoice is now billable and ready to be included in the next export.

6. Repeat for any other invoices as needed.
7. Navigate to the Billing Export screen.

Billing > Export

8. Use the search filters to locate the invoices now set to 05-Billable.
9. Click Export.


Be sure to have a Payor selected when exporting.

10. Click OK.

The exported file can be downloaded when ready.



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