Settings Screen

Settings Screen

Press the settings button () to display the application settings. Some settings are configurable by the user, others are locked based on agency/payer configuration.




Indicates the selected language and allows the user to change the preferred language.

Change Password

Allows user to manually change the password.

Enable Biometrics Enables the use of biometric data to log in.

Application Timeout

Indicates the amount of time the application can remain idle before the user is timed out.

Idle Warning

Indicates the amount of time the application can remain idle before displaying an idle warning.

Client Identifier(s)

(Medicaid ID): Indicates whether the user has the ability to search for a client by Medicaid ID.

Client Identifier(s)

(Client ID): Indicates whether the user has the ability to search for a client by client ID.

Unknown Visit

Indicates whether the user has unknown visit functionality enabled.

Service Selection

Indicates whether users can select a service.

Service Selection

Indicates whether the user is required to select a service prior to starting a visit.

Visit Notes

Indicates whether the account is configured for visit notes.

Visit Notes

Indicates whether the account is configured to require visit notes.

Abandon Visit

Indicates whether the user has the functionality to abandon a visit once it is started.

Past Visit

Indicates the length of time visits will remain on the PAST tab.

Future Visits

Indicates how many days of scheduled visits display on the UPCOMING tab

Auto Close Visit

Indicates the amount of time that can pass before a visit is automatically abandoned by the application.

Location Required

Indicates that the user must start a visit using telephony if GPS coordinates cannot be retrieved.

Check In Only

Indicates that the users are only required to start a visit.

Auto Update

Indicates that the account is set up to automatically receive application updates.

Client Search

Indicates whether the account has Client Search functionality enables.



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