Some state programs provide a file feed to Sandata to bring in client information. This usually comes from the Medicaid Management Information System (“MMIS”). This means you cannot add your own Recipient information but will either receive it directly into your account or need to search for a Recipient to add them.
- Select Recipients, then select Recipient Management.
3. A popup appears. Complete all required fields, then select SEARCH.
4. If a match is found, the screen will refresh and include Recipient details. Select CREATE RECIPIENT in the popup.
The Recipient record loads in a pending status. There are required fields in the Personal and Program tabs. All required fields will have an asterisk (*).
5. In the Personal tab, scroll down to the addresses and phone numbers tile, and select ADD.
6. Complete all required fields, then select SAVE.
7. In the Program tab, select ADD SERVICE.
8. Complete all required fields, then select SAVE.
10. Complete all required fields, then select SAVE.
- The Format selection must match the selection made when creating a schedule for the recipient. For example, if units are selected in the authorization, the schedule must be created in units.
- Authorization Limitations can be added to restrict the amount of time recorded within a specific range of days, weeks, months, or years.
11. Select the status drop-down in the upper right corner of the screen, then select Active.
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