EVV Vendor Solution FAQ - Visits

Please note the following information is not Payer specific.

Q: What to do when receive Client not Found on Visit Record?

Error Message: “Client Not Found” 

A: Client must be successfully loaded before associated visits can be sent.

  • Provider confirm the client is in the Aggregator Active Clients report.
  • If no, confirm the vendor did not receive an error when client file sent. If error was received, send corrected file.
  • Check the EVV vendor specification/addendum for the format and ensure the correct value is in the correct field.
  • Work with the vendor to send the accurate client record and received a successful response.
  • Work with the vendor, to confirm the visit includes the accurate client unique identifier & matches client record.
  • Resend the corrected visit record.


Q: What to do when receive Worker Not Found on Visit Record?

Error Message: “Worker Not Found”.

A: Employee must be successfully loaded before associated visits can be sent.

  • Provider confirm the client is in the Aggregator Active Employees report.
  • If no, confirm the vendor did not receive an error when employee file sent. If error was received, send corrected file.
  • Check the EVV vendor specification/addendum for the format and ensure the correct value is in the correct field.
  • Work with the vendor to send the accurate employee record and received a successful response.
  • Work with the vendor, to confirm the visit includes the accurate employee unique identifier & matches employee record.
  • Resend the corrected visit record.


Q: What to do when receive Service ID error on Visit Record?

Error Message: “Error during retrieving service service_id entered”.

A: Check the EVV vendor specification/addendum Services appendix, for the valid service fields combinations and order.

The service combination includes the PayerID / PayerProgram / ProcedureCode / Modifier(s) if applies.

  • All services and modifiers are case sensitive and must use capital letters.
  • Confirm data includes correct values.
  • Send corrected file.


Q: When do I need to include the VisitChanges segment?

A: The VisitChanges segment is required when:

  • Updating an existing visit
  • Including a Manual CallType
  • Including Adjusted date/time fields


Q: When do I use Adjusted Time fields vs Calls Segment?

A: The Calls segment is expected on the first visit instance, to capture the electronically captured/manually entered Call In and Call Out, with the appropriate CallType.

  • When a date/time has been changed, it must be changed in the appropriate Adjusted time field.
  • The Call In and Call Out cannot be changed in the Calls segment.
  • When the Adjusted time field is sent, the corresponding Calls segment can be omitted.
  • The year cannot be changed.
  • The Adjusted time supersedes the Call time and is considered a manual call.
  • A visit must have an In and Out date/time to avoid a call exception.
  • AdjInDateTime cannot be greater than the Call Out and AdjOutDateTime cannot be less than the Call In.
  • Please utilize the below grid.



Q: What to do when receive Version Number error?      

Error message: “Version number is duplicated or older than current”.

A: The Version Number is derived from the SequenceID. The SequenceID must be a higher value than previously submitted.

  • It is recommended to use the datetime, with seconds, as the SequenceID. This ensures it is a higher value than previous record. (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
  • Resend corrected file.


Q: What to do when receive a Visit Row Exists error on a Visit Record? 

Error Message: “A visit row exists in stx.visits table (by account/visit_id) and no changes are specified in current import of account/visit_id”.

A: Resend the visit update with the VisitChanges segment.


Q: What to do when receive Visit Date is Empty error on Visit Record?

Error Message: “Visit_date field is empty, it is a required field”.

A: Resend the visit with a completed Calls segment, with Call In date/time. 

  • The Call In establishes the Visit Date. The Call Out must be after the Call In.


Q: What to do when receive Row not Found error on Visit Record?

Error Message: “Row in inbox.visits not found”.

A: If attempting to cancel a visit, which was not previously sent, the visit is not required.

  • A billable visit must have VisitCancelledIndicator as false and BillVisit as true


Q: How do I cancel a visit?

A: If the visit is scheduled for the future, sent VisitCancelledIndicator as true.

  • If the visit was previously sent with Calls and/or Adjusted times, and it has been determined the visit will not be used for claims validation, send a visit update with BillVisit as false. This sets the visit to Omit status.


Q: What to do when receive Visit Past Due error?

Error Message: "The visit is past due, cannot be deleted".

A: When attempting to cancel an existing visit, send VisitCancelledIndicator and BillVisit as false. This sets the visit to Omit status.

  • VisitCancelledIndicator as true only applies to cancelling a visit with a future schedule and no In date/time exists.


Q: What to do when receive Schedule Past Due error?

Error message: “The schedule past due”.

A: Cannot update schedules in the past.

  • If the visit exists with Call and/or Adjusted date/time, the schedule cannot be changed.


Q: What to do when receive Pay/Bill Hours Exceed Maximum error?

Error message: “Pay/Bill Hours exceed maximum hours allowed”.

A: Visit In and Out times cannot exceed 24 hours.

  • Confirm not attempting to change a date/time in the Calls segment.
  • Time can only be changed using Adjusted fields.
  • Confirm the time between Calls and Adjusted In and Out do not exceed 24 hours.
  • Send corrected visit.


Q: What to do when receive Schedule Hours Exceed error?

Error message: “Schedule hours cannot exceed 24 hours”.

A: Schedule Start and End cannot exceed 24 hours.


Q: What to do when receive Total Visit Time Exceed error?

Error message: “Total visit time cannot exceed max visit hours”

A: Visit duration cannot exceed 24 hours.

Q: Number of rows exceeds limit 

Error message: “ERROR: Number of rows exceeds limit”

A: Occurs when the file transmission exceeds 5000 records or a record has been updated more than 512 times.

  • Correct the file transmission to not exceed 5000 unique records.
  • If a visit has been updated 512 times, no further updates are allowed. 
    o    Please submit a ticket request for Sandata Support to create a work item request to change the visit to BillVisit false, setting it to Omit status. 
    o    After the existing visit has been omitted, a corrected visit must be sent, with a new unique VisitOtherID.

Q: What to do when receive Visit Date Out of Range error?

Error message: “ERROR: Visit Date out of range “

A: Visits must be submitted within the date range for the account.

  • Ensure the visit date is not more than 2 years after the date of service.
  • If the provider switched vendors, the account could have an End Date. Dates of the service, cannot be after the End Date.
  • The Visit Date cannot be changed. When the Visit Date is wrong, the visit must be updated with BillVisit false, setting it to Omit status. Then submit a corrected visit, with a new unique VisitOtherID.

Q: What to do when receive Visit Load error?

ErrorMessage: "Error during visits load"

A: Confirm all data is formatted compliant with the specifications. Resend the visit.

  • If issue persists, please submit a ticket request.

Q: What to do when receive Unknown error?

Error message: “Unknown error”

A: Usually occurs when attempting to change the year of an existing visit.

  • The Visit Date cannot be changed. If the Visit Date is wrong, the visit must be updated with BillVisit false, setting it to Omit status. Then submit a corrected visit, with a new unique VisitOtherID.





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