This report displays a list of staff members and their hours worked, and calculates the hours above a selected threshold.
This report can be used by the agency to view employees working above a selected amount of hours.
This report can be filtered by:
Field | Description |
Company | The selected company. |
Location | The selected location. |
Coordinator | The selected coordinator. |
Staff Manager | The selected staff manager. |
Staff | Staff member by name (last name, first name). When a partial name is entered the report displays results that begin with the entered characters. |
Staff Status | The selected staff status. |
Event Status | The selected event status. |
Date From | The first date of a selected range of dates. |
Date To | The last date of a selected range of dates. |
Hours From | The lowest quantity in a range of hours. |
Hours To | The highest quantity in a range of hours. |
Report Output
Each column of the report displays:
Field | Description |
Staff Coordinator | The staff coordinator's name (last, first) and ID number. |
Staff Name | The staff member's name (last, first). |
Staff No | The staff member's ID number. |
Client Name | The client's name (last, first). |
Chart ID | The client's Chart ID number. |
Client Coordinator | The client coordinator's name (last, first) and ID number. |
Service | The type of care provided. |
Live In | Indicates if the visit has a live in event code. |
P/T | Indicates if the staff member has a permanent or temp position. |
Hours | The hours the staff member worked for the selected date range. |
Above Threshold Hours | The hours above the selected threshold. |
Above Threshold Percent | The percentage of worked hours above the threshold hours. |
Staff Totals | The total hours and above threshold hours/percent for the staff member. |
Staff Coordinator Totals | The total hours and above threshold hours/percent for the staff coordinator. |
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