Tasks (Including Plan of Care)

The TASKS tab allows you to record the completion of any tasks performed during the visit. Some accounts are configured to use a Plan of Care (PoC). When a client has a PoC, the required task will display in the TASKS tab. Select the tasks completed from this list. Depending on the account set up, the service selected for the visit limits the tasks selection to that service.

1. Tap ADD TASKS to open the task list.

Add a Task

2. Tap the applicable task(s) from the task list.

Some tasks require the user to enter a value in the field (for example: weight, blood pressure, or car fare).

Adding a Number Based Task

3. Tap Done to close the task list.

Tap Clear to remove a task, if needed.

Adding a Task

4. Tap Complete Visit once all additional visit functionality is done.

Completing a Visit



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